Spring batch flat file item writer example program

Batch processing is the execution of a series of programs (“jobs”) on a computer without manual intervention.

15-writing-items-to-db - writing items to a jdbc database source; 16-writing-items-to-fs - writing items to a flat file; 17-writing-items-to-xml - writing items to an XML file; 18-writing-to-multiple-files - writing items to multiple files/formats; Processors. 19-processing-basic - processing an item, basic example. Spring Batch provides readers and writers to read and write data form various file systems/databases such as MongoDB, Neo4j, MySQL, XML, flatfile, CSV, etc. To include a reader in your application, you need to define a bean for that reader, provide values to all the required properties within the bean, and pass the id of such bean as a value to. This is a basic idea of batch processing, And in this post we are going to take a look at the spring batch processing. Spring Batch Processing. S p ring batch is an opensource batch processing. I am working on spring application. I am reading csv or excel file with very large dataset. Please provide me some reference for this using spring batch and printing to console for Spring application, not SpringBoot app. Above given example is for SpringBoot application. I have written BatchConfig and console writer classes.

Spring Batch provides mechanisms for processing large amount of data like transaction management, job processing, resource management, logging, tracing, conversion of data, interfaces, etc.
These functionalities are available out of the box and can be reused by applications containing the Spring Batch framework.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to configure a Spring Batch job to read CSV file into a CSV file, and filter out the record before writing with ItemProcessor. Its a very easy program for beginners.

Tools and libraries used

  1. Maven 3
  2. Eclipse Luna
  3. JDK 1.7
  4. Spring Core 3.2.2.RELEASE
  5. Spring Batch 2.2.0.RELEASE
  6. Spring OXM 3.2.2.RELEASE
Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer ExampleSpring Batch Flat File Item Writer Example

1. Create a maven project . I named my project as SpringBatchProject.

Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer Example Program

2. Project Dependencies –

3. Project Structure –

4. CSV file resources/files/input.csv

5. Read CSV file resources/jobs/job-report.xml

BatchSpring batch flat file item writer examples

6. The csv file mapped to Pojo Report.java

7. Spring batch Core Settings

Define jobRepository and jobLauncher

8. Spring batch Jobs

Spring Batch Flat File Item Writer Example Free

A Spring batch job, read the report.csvfile, map it to Report object, and write it into a csv file.

9. Spring Batch – ItemProcessor

In Spring batch, the wired Processor will be fired before writing to any resources, so, this is the best place to handle any conversion, filtering and business logic. In this example, the Report object will be ignored (not write to csv file) if its’ age is greater than equal to 30.

10. I have scheduled this process which will run in every 5 seconds through cron jobs.


11. Run the Main class now

12. output csv file i.e. report.csv