At the moment, the following functionality is implemented:
- GPX export of tracks and waypoints
- clearing the memory of the GPS tracker
- display of the GPS tracker configuration
- dump of the internal flash memory

Binary releases and source tarballs are available from
Ubuntu packages are available from

GPS Utility helps you converts between all major geographical coordinate systems. Helpful for excursionists, navigators users (TomTom, garmin, etc.), GeoCaching lovers, and Bing maps enthusiasts. GPS Utility helps you converts between all major geographical coordinate systems. Helpful for excursionists, navigators users (TomTom, garmin, etc.), GeoCaching lovers, and Bing maps enthusiasts. You can convert from and to: - DMS coordinates (Degrees Minutes Second) - DM coordinates (Degrees decimal Minutes) - DD coordinates (decimal Degrees) - UTM coordinates (Universal Transverse. I have an ETREX, anf it works very well with the Gps Utility software; the problem is that i only have an unregisted version (wich has seious limitations) Does anyone have a serial number or other crack to make it registered? Agreed, GPS Utility is excellent. So why not pay towards the effort Alan Murphy put in to develop it for you. OLYMPUS A-GPS Utility is a software application that can be used to download the latest Assisted GPS data for faster positioning and write it to OM Digital Solutions Digital Cameras that support Assisted GPS. Assisted GPS data is valid for 14 days, after which it cannot be used to calculate position. You will need to write the latest Assisted GPS data to your camera periodically by using OLYMPUS A-GPS Utility.

Gps Utility For Os XGps utility for os xenon

To get started, just launch the GUI and take a look around. To work with the command line program, try this to retrieve the serial number and some configuration settings from the gps tracker
igotu2gpx info
or dump the tracks and waypoints in gpx format with
igotu2gpx dump --gpx > track.gpx

Gps Utility For Windows 10

Gps utility for windows 10

Free Gps Downloads

For gpsd support, see

To contribute, just clone the source code with
bzr branch lp:igotu2gpx
and when you want to publish your changes do
bzr push lp:~username/igotu2gpx/new-branch-name

Gps Download For Pc

The file HACKING contains information about the reverse-engineered protocol used to access the device